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Two Headed Animals  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in , ,

two headed shark

Two headed animals are rare and unusual. They tend not to survive for long and because of this, you've got to wonder how many of these images are photoshopped. The mutation is called polycephaly, Each head of a polycephalic animal has its own brain, and they somehow share control of the organs and limbs, though the specific structure of the connections varies. Animals often move in a disoriented and dizzy fashion, with the brains "arguing" with each other; some animals simply zig-zag without getting anywhere, very few live to adulthood.

two headed fish

two headed cat

two headed dog

two headed chicken

two headed cow

two headed fish

one head two bodies

two headed turtle

two headed goat


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Another Disclaimer

I found these pictures sitting in the My Documents folder in my computer. I have no idea how they got there or where they came from. It must have been a too much tequila not enough rational thinking kind of night. If one or more of them belongs to you and you don't want them here - I'll be happy to remove them.

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