About the pics..

If you see pictures that belong to you - don't get pissy and complain to google. Just tell me, and I'll either remove them immediately or give you credit and a link - whichever you prefer.



Amazing Art Sculptures  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in , ,

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Here we have a selection of amazing hyper-realist art sculptures by Ron Mueck.

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Animals of the 21st Century  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

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Hmmm.... I wonder just how scary these guys would be if they were for real.
I'm thinking pretty damn scary...
What do you think?



3D Spheres  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in

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The Sphere Project is dedicated to creating the most captivating and visually appealing spheres contributed by different people. These were some of my favorites.

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Crazy Ocean Sea Foam  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in , , ,

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These pictures were taken along the Australian shoreline at Yamba (north of Sydney) in New South Wales. Australia and scientists say it was caused by impurities in the ocean, such as salts, chemicals, dead plants, decomposed fish and excretions from seaweed.

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A similar outbreak of sea foam occured not long after at Point Cartwright along Queensland's Sunshine Coast

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Looks like they're having fun!



Your Motorbike's True Identity?  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

The ad reads: Respect your motorbike's identity, use Honda original accessories....

Clown Bike

So this motorbike is a clown?
Is it one of those bad scary clowns? Like in horror movies?

Ballarina Bike

You gotta be kidding me, a ballerina?

Rabbit Bike
OK, now this one's just creepy.
Looks like something a pedophile would ride around on.



A Ploy for Employment  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in

So, here's a guy with an idea...

Get me a job?
In case English is not your language, here's what it says:

Ad agency Wieden+Kennedy is running a competition called "Seeking" to discover new talent and I want to win. But instead of just submitting a portfolio, I want to do something a little different. Something bigger than me. So I'm turning to the world for help. Here's your chance to make me a winner. Why? Because helping someone else feels good. So put your thinking cap on, come up with an idea that will get me noticed, then click submit and send that gem of an idea on its way. Not only will you get a thank you email directly from yours truly, but if I use your idea for my entry, I will mention your name in a future work - jacket sleve of a novel, shout out in an Oscar acceptance speech, prayler list mention in a community church program. Who know. Just know it will be great. Good luck and Godspeed. I'm counting on your brilliance.

Who you know....
It's either who you know or who you blow.
Being 3,045 miles away, I've got neither.

Take one
Take one for the team. By team, I mean me.

With my good looks....
With my good looks and your good idea,
I just might have a shot of winning this thing.

Be an assistant winner.

If I win
If I win, at least you'll know your idea was good.



Alien Wierdness  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in , ,

O Hai, been sleepn. I can has soulz now?

Up close, iz not so scry, achully.

I knitted u a noneuclidean sweater.
OMG, Im sorry it eated u!

Lord Cthulhu eated me first...
but he could not keep me down.

Im in ur jar...
Iz not so gret, aktuly.

I has seen better dayz.



Not Smart  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

Not Smart, originally uploaded by Shirley Two Feathers.

Hello? What is that guy in the shorts with the pink polo shirt on thinking? That the other guys are over dressed?



Big Cat Kisses  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

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Would you do this?



Drop Dead Gorgeous  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in , ,

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Death by Bananas

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Death by Nutella

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Death by Saran Wrap

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Death by Shampoo

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Death by Slim Fast

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Death by Tupperware

Photos by Daniela Edburg

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Another Disclaimer

I found these pictures sitting in the My Documents folder in my computer. I have no idea how they got there or where they came from. It must have been a too much tequila not enough rational thinking kind of night. If one or more of them belongs to you and you don't want them here - I'll be happy to remove them.

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