Solar Eclipses - Cool Photos
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in science, sky, unusual

OK, yeah!
That's the coolest one!!

This one's pretty awesome.

Here's a really unusual image of an eclipse. It was taken from a plane flying in front of the sun during the partial eclipse on August 1, 2008.

And this is what it looked like out in the desert!

This one is from NASA - if I didn't know better, I'd think it was photoshopped.

And of course, the National Geographic always has cool pictures - this one has some really cool color to it, doesn't it?

But wait!
There's more!!
Alot more!

Aren't these nifty?
They are from different years, photographed in different places around the world, but cool nonetheless.

Those last ones really look like eyes, don't they?
Image credits: Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee, and High Altitude Observatory (HAO), University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Boulder, Colorado. UCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, NASA, National Geographic, and I don't know where else.