About the pics..

If you see pictures that belong to you - don't get pissy and complain to google. Just tell me, and I'll either remove them immediately or give you credit and a link - whichever you prefer.



When you can't afford to drive your car....  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in , ,

Some practical suggestions:

You can turn it into a planter, and grow your own vegetables.

You can put it on your balcony and hang out in it on nice summer evenings.

You can pile rocks around it, and in it, and call it art.

You could make it into a pool toy - just be careful not to place it directly under the diving board!

A big truck does make for a nifty roadside sign.

Or, you could inspire your friends to donate their no longer useful vehicles, and create your own version of "Stonehenge". It makes for quite a road side attraction!


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Another Disclaimer

I found these pictures sitting in the My Documents folder in my computer. I have no idea how they got there or where they came from. It must have been a too much tequila not enough rational thinking kind of night. If one or more of them belongs to you and you don't want them here - I'll be happy to remove them.

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