About the pics..

If you see pictures that belong to you - don't get pissy and complain to google. Just tell me, and I'll either remove them immediately or give you credit and a link - whichever you prefer.



Driving Underwater  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

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What's this?

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It's an SUV. But why is it under water?

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You'll have to ask these guys...

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They had this idea of driving underwater, so they fixed up their SUV...

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And drove it into the lake.

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As you can see, it does get deep enough...

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Hmmm... looks like the terrain isn't all that smooth.

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The driver looks well prepared.

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The visibility sucks...

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Here they are, enjoying the moment!

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It looks like the car is still running...

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Yup. Looks like the story is going to have a happy ending.

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So, how cool is that? Ok, yeah I know it'd be cooler and more fun if there had been some kind of hilarious disaster.... but nevertheless... driving an SUV into a lake and then driving it back out again really is pretty cool!



A Very Disturbing Photograph  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

Starving Child

This is the pulitzer prize winning photo taken in 1994 during the Sudan famine. The picture depicts a famine stricken child crawling towards an United Nations food camp, located a kilometer away.

The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat it. This picture shocked the whole world. No one knows what happened to the child, including the photographer Kevin Carter who left the place as soon as the photograph was taken.

Three months later he committed suicide due to depression.



Going Bananas!  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,


I'm going bananas, and it looks like I'm not the only one!


banana man

banana pups

giant banana

banana car



Banana Fish


banana octopus

There! I think that about does it!
Now you're going bananas too!



Bananas On The Beach  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,


On the Dutch island of Terschelling, beaches are often awash in treasures—like the bunches of bananas that floated ashore (top photo).

It was sneakers (bottom photo) and aluminum briefcases in February 2006. The shore was covered with sweaters before that. For the moment the island has more bananas than it can use.

The island was molded into its current shape by a violent storm in 1296, according to its official web site. Things have been washing ashore ever since.




It's Banana Man!  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

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Cool graffitti art!



Giant Banana Peel On Sidewalk!  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,


What's this? A giant banana peel?


Sure looks like one!


But is it real?


Yes. It's real - a real art installation on a New York sidewalk.
Cool, huh?



One Bad Banana  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

crazy banana

Some people have too much time on their hands!



Bananas Over Texas  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

banana over texas (2)

Yes, it appears to be true.

banana over texas

Montreal artist Cesar Saez is making a giant, helium filled banana that he intends to launch in Texas, sending it 20-30 miles up.

banana over texas (1)

The title of the project is "Geostationary Banana Over Texas."

banana over texas (3)

The BBC says it will be "between 15-20% of the size of the full moon" when viewed from Earth.



One Really Cool Hotel!  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

Hotel Puerta America - Madrid, Spain

Hotel Puerta America is a new radical design hotel in Madrid (Spain) and it was conceived as an architectural showcase, with individual floors fitted-out by different world-renowned architects, including Foster and Partners, Zaha Hadid, John Pawson, and Ushida Findlay.

Hotel Puerta America - Madrid, Spain

Hotel Puerta America - Madrid, Spain

Hotel Puerta America - Madrid, Spain

Hotel Puerta America - Madrid, Spain

Hotel Puerta America - Madrid, Spain

Hotel Puerta America - Madrid, Spain

Hotel Puerta America - Madrid, Spain

Hotel Puerta America - Madrid, Spain

Ok, WOW, now that's what I call cool!



My kind of car wash!  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

My kind of car wash!, originally uploaded by Shirley Two Feathers.

Yep! I'd go there! Maybe even every day!



Why Women Like Football  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

I'd go to that game for sure!



Why women like Rugby!  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in ,

Ok... that was fun!



Eclipsed Moonlight  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in , ,

lunar eclipseMoon watchers blessed with clear skies over the Americas, Europe, Africa and western Asia enjoyed a total lunar eclipse this week. Catching eclipsed moonlight, astroimager Jerry Lodriguss offers this view of the inspiring celestial event with the shadowed Moon accompanied by wandering planet Saturn at the left, and bright Regulus, alpha star of the constellation Leo, above. The engaging composite picture was made by combining a filtered, telephoto image of the Moon and surrounding starfield with a telescopic exposure. The combination dramatizes the reddened moonlight while clearly showing the variation of brightness and color in Earth's not-so-dark shadow across the lunar surface.

lunar eclipse and moon phasesThis great photo shows not only the eclipsed moon, but also the various phases as the earth's shadow passes.

lunar eclipseHere is an awesome photo of an eclipsed moon! Love that color!

partial eclipse of the moonAnd last, but not least, we have a partial eclipse in some tropical paradise. Cool, huh?

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Another Disclaimer

I found these pictures sitting in the My Documents folder in my computer. I have no idea how they got there or where they came from. It must have been a too much tequila not enough rational thinking kind of night. If one or more of them belongs to you and you don't want them here - I'll be happy to remove them.

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