Driving Underwater
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in car, swimming

What's this?

It's an SUV. But why is it under water?

You'll have to ask these guys...

They had this idea of driving underwater, so they fixed up their SUV...

And drove it into the lake.

As you can see, it does get deep enough...

Hmmm... looks like the terrain isn't all that smooth.

The driver looks well prepared.

The visibility sucks...

Here they are, enjoying the moment!

It looks like the car is still running...

Yup. Looks like the story is going to have a happy ending.

So, how cool is that? Ok, yeah I know it'd be cooler and more fun if there had been some kind of hilarious disaster.... but nevertheless... driving an SUV into a lake and then driving it back out again really is pretty cool!