Dirt, it's what's for dinner!
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in food, mud, people
This 19 year-old Chinese girl Bao Bao is not like other girls her age, she has a very weird habit - eating soil. She started when she was 7 years old, when at a play ground, she felt the urge to taste the soil on the ground. Ever since she had her first bite, she could not stop eating soil.
“It gives me energy. I can live without rice but not soil. There is only one specific type of soil I would eat, yellowish, soft, and powdery", she says, “How much I eat everyday is really depends on my appetite, usually half pound to two pounds a day to keep me going."
According to her 11 years of dirt eating history, this girl has eaten over 3,000 pounds of soil. Friends are often joking about her boyfriend because the “cheap-date" girlfriend he has.