Having a Good Day?
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in cat, funny
ur lettin teh monday in

I got my grump on
Wore it just for you.

I'm bursting with joy

Fine, I'll rise
but I won't shine.
Perhaps your mood is particularly dark?

Take this thing off of me.
It burns!
And for all you optimists out there we have this:

I didn't brush my hair this
morning and I'm still more
fabulous than you.

I got my grump on
Wore it just for you.

I'm bursting with joy

Fine, I'll rise
but I won't shine.
Perhaps your mood is particularly dark?

Take this thing off of me.
It burns!
And for all you optimists out there we have this:

I didn't brush my hair this
morning and I'm still more
fabulous than you.