Creepy Cannibal Pictures!
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in cannibal, creepy, Halloween, scary
Surfing the net for crazy wierd stuff.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in cannibal, creepy, Halloween, scary
hi hi !
Is the first cannibal picture yours? I would like to use it for a project. Do you happen to know if theres a hi res version around and who possibly has the rights?many many Thanks in advance...dpfrecords@gmail.com
Please go visit our new blog:
The's a text about The Last Cabnnibal World of Ruggero Deodato.
Thanks a lot!
Thank You.
u scared my 2 yr old son with the 2nd picture.but u rock
hello. i am Lucian This is a very interesting website. I am a big supporter of cannibalism and i have heard stories from my family that many of my ancestors practiced this. I am very shamed that this has become taboo.
My name is Alexis. I wholeheartedly support cannibalism only if it's legal and no one is murdered to obtain their meat! If they consent, it should be in writing (though I don't know of anycourt that would enforce that) and should be practiced in secret...for now. My great-great-great aunt was captured and consumed by cannibals near what is known today as Lake Victoria, Africa. I vacationed in Fiji five years ago. They practiced cannibalism there was well. I walked nude on one of their isolated beaches, not thinking for a moment that one of their descendents today could have captured me and put me on the menu!
I say you motherf***ers are sick!