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The World's Largest Penis  

Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in , ,

A Chinese theme park has built what it claims is the world’s largest penis. The 30ft totem stands at Longwan Shaman Amusement Park in Changchun city.

The 30ft erection, named Sky Pillar, has been built at Longwan Shaman Amusement Park in Changchun city.

Builders wrapped more than 6500ft of straw around the steel structure which stands on an altar atop 1250ft high Qinlong Hill.

“It is a totem of Shamanistic culture, which originated in this city,” says the president of the park, Cheng Weiguang.

He was referring to a Shaman hero named Ewenki, who vanquished a cruel female ruler and gave her a penis totem, telling her to respect males and not kill them at will.


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Another Disclaimer

I found these pictures sitting in the My Documents folder in my computer. I have no idea how they got there or where they came from. It must have been a too much tequila not enough rational thinking kind of night. If one or more of them belongs to you and you don't want them here - I'll be happy to remove them.

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