Saying Goodby to George W Bush
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers in George Bush

Not everyone will be sorry to see him go!

That's why you don't tell a retarded child they can be anything they want when they grow up.

In real life (unlike the movie) Gollum escaped Mount Doom...
And went on to become the President of the United States.

He even got to keep his "precious."

Meet his "other" brother!

For those of you who don't read English, here's what it says:
Wash with warm water
- Use mild soap
- Do not use bleach
- Do not dry in the dryer
- Do not iron
- We are sorry that Our President is an idiot
- We did not vote for him.
What I learned from Bush:
- Lying is OK
- Cheating is OK
- Torture is OK
- Taking away people's rights is OK
- Neglecting the poor is OK
- Being a religious hypocrite is OK
- Killing is OK
- Incompetence is OK
- Cronyism is OK